Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Last Couple of Weeks in Boulder

The last couple of weeks were a complete whirlwind trying to say goodbye to everyone, get packed, and get my athletes set up. There were times when I didn't know what day of the week it was or what I had done the previous day.

It was bittersweet to say goodbye to my friends and to leave Boulder. I felt like a housewife with planning a lot of lunch, coffee, and dinner dates. I don't think I've ever been so social in a such a short period of time.

I feel very fortunate to have such a great group of friends, especially when I moved to Boulder 11 years ago I didn't know anyone, nor for awhile an ex wasn't too keen on having friends (that's another story).

The going away party was a lot of fun and sad too. The house was pretty packed most of the night and concluded with a Rock Band. Dorky as that is, a fun time was had by all. Probably not as much when I was signing though.

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